Hands-on Projects and Activities



This course provides students with practical experience in working with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Students will engage in hands-on projects, such as building their own UAVs (either kit-based or custom-built) and programming and configuring them. They will also utilize flight simulators to practice various maneuvers and missions in a controlled environment. The course will culminate in field exercises, where students will have the opportunity to fly UAVs in real-world settings and conduct simulated missions. Through these hands-on experiences, students will develop practical skills and gain valuable insights into the operation and application of UAVs.


Hands-on Projects and Activities
  • Building a UAV:
    • Kit-based or custom-built UAVs
    • Programming and configuration
  • Simulation Software:
    • Flight simulators for practicing maneuvers and missions
  • Field Exercises:
    • Flying UAVs in controlled environments
    • Conducting simulated missions